Does God Go On Vacation?

May 30, 2024 | Connor Shoup

Does God Go On Vacation?

I was one of those kids with a leash because I was always running toward the next great adventure! I’m no longer on a leash, but I still love adventure! So does my family, and that means we get to travel a lot! One of our family members, who knows we like to travel, gave us a children’s book for our son called “Does God Go On Vacation?” by Amy Gannett. While the question may seem silly, it’s a great topic for us to discuss as summer starts. 

God's Presence with Us

Immanuel is a word we hear a lot around Christmas, but it’s a powerful name that describes Jesus: Immanuel—God with us. We often take for granted that the almighty, powerful, and awesome God is WITH us! We see His amazing love through His presence in Psalm 23:4; even in our darkest valleys, He is with us. Then again, in Matthew 28:20, Jesus ends the Great Commission with a powerful statement, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” We may not be going to all the nations this summer, but we will be going on vacations to the beach, mountains, and many other adventures. We know that our amazing Creator is with us wherever we go.

Living in God’s Presence on Vacation

So how do we live in the presence of God this summer as we’re off on our adventures? Our church’s theme this year is "outward with the mission," and inviting others to experience God’s presence is a great way to actively live in His presence. To be honest, when I’m on vacation, it’s easy for me to just enjoy the time for myself and get so busy that I forget to be with the God who I know is with me. He wants us to have vacations and to rest from our busy lives, but not to stop living out our faith for Him. My wife amazes me with how she connects with strangers and has gospel conversations while we’re adventuring. I’ll confess that my temptation is to want to keep to myself because this is supposed to be “our time.”

Practical Steps to Live Out Your Faith on Vacation

So how do we live in the presence of God and live on mission during our adventures? Below are some practices for us to live it out:

  1. Prayer Walks:Take time during your vacation to walk and pray for the area you are visiting. Ask God to bless the people and places you encounter.
  2. Slow Down and Be Available:When we take a break from the busyness, we can be more intentional in being kind. Look for opportunities to show God’s love through small acts of kindness. This could be helping someone in need, offering a listening ear, or simply sharing a smile.
  3. Conversations of Faith: Be open to conversations about your walk with Jesus. Whether it’s with fellow travelers or locals, share the hope and joy you have in Christ.
  4. Family Devotions:Use the relaxed time of vacation to have family devotions. Read Scripture together, discuss its meaning, and pray as a family.

Does God go on vacation? The answer is a resounding no! God is with us at all times and in all places. As we head into summer and enjoy our adventures, let's remember that God’s presence doesn’t take a break. He goes with us, guiding and comforting us, empowering us to carry out our mission wherever we are. Let’s embrace this season as an opportunity to be outward with the mission.

Have a blast this summer, and take lots of pictures to document your adventure!
