Generosity is so inspirational and infectious, isn't it? We truly are at our best when we devote a part of what we have—our time, talent or treasure—to benefit those who are in need.
In the church, “paying it forward” is embedded in our identity as broken yet hopeful people, and in our mission to cultivate connected followers of Christ. First and foremost, our Savior laid down His life so that we could have life. In addition, we are all beneficiaries of those who went before us and devoted their resources to advance the the gospel.
As we give financially, we are engaged in God’s redemptive plan, fueling the delivery of Christ’s love in word and deed to those inside and outside the body of Christ who come to Fellowship Bible Church with a variety of needs. You can give a one-time or recurring contribution to the General Fund, Capital Giving Fund, Fellowship Outward or to the Benevolence Fund.
In every way, our financial partnership with God and each other promises to increase our faith and expand our redemptive influence in Rutherford County and beyond. Thank you for prayerfully locking arms to fulfill the ministry God has entrusted to our community of faith!