The Posture

October 30, 2024 | Chad Vinson

I remember the conversation like it was yesterday even though it happened about ten years ago. Laurie and I were in the season of parenting three young boys. I knew I was in trouble when I walked into the kitchen and Laurie turns to look at me and says, “What do you think about us getting a dog?” To be fair, I have nothing against a dog. I really like dogs. I tried to hold back but before I knew it the words came out of my mouth, “I really don’t want a dog.” What I was trying to say was our plates are full of responsibility with these three little boys, and I really don’t want another thing to take care of. I knew what was coming next, “But he is so cute!” “The boys need a dog!” And she saved the best line for last, “He is free!”

Unbeknownst to me at the time, Laurie had been contacted by a friend who had a puppy, but it was not a good fit for their family. They wanted to find the puppy a good forever home and thought that our family would be a good fit. Let me be clear here as I attempted to say ten years ago, “There is no such thing as a free dog!” Despite my objection, we took the boys and went to pick the dog up for a weekend trial visit. You can already see where this is going. By the end of the weekend, I was outvoted 4 to 1 and the weekend visit has turned into a 10-year stay.

Since Laurie and I met at Appalachian State University, which is in the town of Boone, North Carolina. We decide to name the puppy, Boone. As he has aged, we affectionately call him Mr. Boone. Thankfully, as he has aged, he has settled down and is not as hyper. However, one thing has not changed, about Boone throughout the years. He is always excited to see us when we get home. He has this fifth sense element where he knows, even before we pull into the driveway, my people are home. As you approach the house you will hear him barking and welcoming you home! Whether it has been a good day or a bad day. One constant remains, Boone is always glad to see you!   

Witnessing throughout the years Boone’s excitement, which never wavers of seeing me walk through the door, it got me thinking how I think about God’s posture towards me. A.W. Tozer says it better than I could ever say it in his book The Knowledge of the Holy, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” It seems I am always having to adjust my view of the posture of God towards me. I naturally create a caricature of God’s posture, and it seems to revolve around these three characteristics:

  • God is Distant: Does God even think about me? Doesn’t He have better things to do with His time?
  • God is Critical: If God does think about me, does He only acknowledge and point out my faults? Isn’t He simply standing back judging everything I am doing?
  • God is Disappointed: Does He often wonder to Himself, when am I going to get it together? Doesn’t He get exhausted of giving me all these chances to get it together?

To correct my view of God’s posture toward me, hanging in my office is a framed picture of Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt. This picture is a reminder that my natural caricature of God is false and points me to the Scripture, which says,

  • To the Prodigal: “His father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran embraced him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20)
  • To the elder brother: “Son you have always been with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live and was lost and has been found” (Luke 15:31-32).

As Tozier observed, the most important thing about us is what we think about God. It determines everything. Therefore, it is pivotal that we perceive him correctly. This true depiction of God is found in the Scriptures not in our imaginations. Let’s be sure to delight in the character of God and not in a caricature of God. The Scriptures provide a daily reminder of God’s posture towards us. A posture, which looks like this….

  • God is personal: Yes, God does think about you.
  • God is compassionate: Yes, God does have empathy toward you and your struggles.
  • God is pleased: Yes, God is satisfied with you because of the work of Christ.

Going back home is always an easy endeavor when I perceive God’s posture from a biblical perspective. It seems my dog, Mr. Boone, is not the only one whose excitement is unwavering towards me. We have a heavenly Father who is always glad to see us and welcome us back home! Now comes the challenge, to remind ourselves of God’s posture towards us on the good and challenging days ahead. Just like my dog, Mr. Boone, there is not a day that passes by where God the Father is not excited to welcome you back home!
