The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Putting the Pieces Together

December 14, 2023 | Benji Baker

A cherished Christmas tradition in our family involves working on a puzzle throughout December. My wife, Rebekah, diligently works on putting the pieces together, while the rest of us contribute when convenient. I enjoy helping with the outside pieces but lose interest after connecting them. The kids enjoy helping towards the completion of the puzzle, finding those final pieces. Eventually we witness a beautiful portrait emerging.

In putting a puzzle together, one of the most helpful things is looking at the picture on the box that shows what the completed picture will look like.  Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together without looking at the box? It can be done, but it’s much more difficult. The picture on the box is a helpful guide, displaying how all the individual pieces fit together. Similarly, as we began the study of Revelation, I was struck by the magnificent description of "the revelation of Jesus Christ." John's words painted a picture of Jesus that I don't often consider. Scripture reminded me that I was only looking at pieces of the puzzle when it came to Jesus. Like putting together a puzzle, understanding the full picture of Jesus is crucial to grasping the significance of this sacred season.

As we continue to move through this Advent season, I want to invite you to dive into the profound mystery of Christ's birth and anticipate the magnificence of his return. The story of Jesus is like a myriad of puzzle pieces, each holding a unique shape and color. It spans from prophecies in the Old Testament to the humble manger scene in Bethlehem. Each element contributes to the greater narrative of God's redemptive plan.

The Old Testament serves as the border pieces, outlining God's grand promise. From Genesis to Malachi, prophecies foretelling the coming of a Messiah—a Savior bringing light to a world in darkness. The anticipation built over centuries, like completing the border of a puzzle, sets the stage for Jesus' arrival.

Moving from the border to the center of our puzzle, we encounter the life of Jesus. Advent invites us to meditate on the miracle of the Incarnation—the Word made flesh. Mary's willingness to be the vessel, the shepherds' awe, and the magi's journey—all these pieces fit together, unveiling the extraordinary narrative of Jesus' birth. The Gospels then tell of Jesus' teachings, miracles, and ministry revealing His divinity and glory. Each piece represents a unique aspect of His identity. In these moments, we witness the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, connecting the pieces to reveal the full image of our Savior.

As we journey through Advent, the book of Revelation emerges as a crucial piece in the puzzle of understanding Jesus. Much like the final piece completing a puzzle, Revelation unveils the culmination of God's redemptive plan—a majestic frame highlighting the triumph of light over darkness. Through vivid imagery, Revelation showcases the glorified Christ, the Lamb of God who reigns supreme, adding depth and perspective to the grand puzzle of Jesus' story. Reflecting on the entirety of Jesus' narrative, including the revelations found in Scripture, our understanding deepens, drawing us into the profound mystery of God's redemptive love.

Understanding the full picture of Jesus during Advent is a spiritual journey that deepens our connection with God's heart and transforms us.  Like completing a puzzle, it requires patience, attention to detail, and recognition that every piece, no matter how small, contributes to the beauty of the whole.

As we celebrate this Advent season, let us approach the story of Jesus with reverence and awe, recognizing that each piece, from the prophecies of old to the birth in Bethlehem, plays a crucial role in revealing the fullness of Jesus. May our hearts be open to the transformative power of understanding the complete picture of Jesus, leading us to enjoy, worship, and follow Him!
