FOUNDATIONS is comprised of four core sessions designed to intentionally grow us up to become more like Christ as a disciple and disciple maker. The material covers the basics, the foundational principles and practices that flow from an identity rooted in Christ and useful for us to faithfully live out the portrait of connected life.

Dinner and childcare is provided. You don’t need to take them in order, but if you can, do! Watch for details in the CONNECT newsletter for our next sessions, and you can register anytime on REALM


101 will take you deeper into the gospel-rooted DNA of Fellowship. We’ll look at the foundations that ground our church, at our mission, vision and values, and what it means for each of us to authentically work out and walk out our faith.

Session Value: What you see is what you get.


201 provides an essential understanding of how we grow up in Christ, providing a biblical framework for the work of the Word, the Spirit, and the Body in our lives and tools for developing healthy spiritual habits.

Session Value: Life change is a way of life.


301 provides a biblical understanding of our gifting and call to serve others and build up the body of Christ. Resources will be provided to help you discover, develop, and deploy the unique ways God has shaped us to serve.

Session Value: Together is Better


The foundational focus of 401 is found in the Great Commission, Christ’s final words to the church to make disciples. We will wrestle with the call to discipleship to both evangelize and equip, and with the stewardship of all our resources for the advance of His Kingdom.

Session Value: A long obedience in the same direction.