Reaching Rutherford

Names of things don't always matter, but rarely are names given for no reason. Since the time of our launch in 2000, we've called ourselves Fellowship Bible Church of Rutherford County. FBC points to our heritage, Rutherford County to the locale where we were planted and first called to engage with the gospel. Our name reminds us that the vision we embraced as a fledgling group of believers was to reach the world by first reaching our closest neighbors with the good news about Jesus. Though many aspects of our church have changed over 25 years, that vision has remained the same. We believe our story, with all its ups and downs, has unfolded according to God’s plan; launched in a daycare, nurtured for over a decade in Blackman Middle School, and permanently planted in the Blackman community on Veterans Pkwy. Now, by God’s grace, the vision of reaching Rutherford requires a new chapter of our story to be written, one that involves the addition of a new campus in another area of Rutherford County we’re unable to effectively reach from our current location. 

Together is Better

In 2025, Fellowship Bible Church is slated to become a single community of faith with a congregational presence in two related but distant areas of Rutherford County (Blackman and Siegel High). We will continue to be one unified Church, but strategically serving the people living in and around those communities. 

Amidst the inevitable changes, we’re committed to uniting around the core expressions of our biblical identity … Our mission, values, mutual commitments, and the Portrait of a Connected Life. These will provide continuity between our campuses, as will our collaborative leadership structure consisting of elders and staff. Together, our multiple congregations will work hand in hand to “cultivate connected followers of Christ” in a wider area than ever before! 

Life Change is Way of Life

Change is difficult. Few of us like it, some of us tolerate it, and most of us do all that we can to avoid it! That probably has something to do with our passionate pursuit of comfort and convenience. Culturally speaking, those are among our greatest priorities, but at what cost?  

Though challenging, change often leads to new opportunities. It affords us the chance to trust God in meaningful new ways. It can also spur a season of growth that would otherwise go missing. We don’t want to miss a thing! So, we’re willing to pay the small price of change challenges for the abundant life we gain by walking through them in faith.  

Adding a second campus is going to change things for sure, but we fully believe it will be for the better. This launch is going to uncover many occasions to trust God, grow spiritually, serve fruitfully, and deepen our relationships in wonderful ways. Are you ready?

Next Steps

God has generously provided a meeting space for our new campus! Fellowship Bible Church Siegel High will be meeting in Siegel High School, located at 3300 Siegel Road in Murfreesboro. The worship gathering will begin at 10am. Children’s ministry will be available for kids from birth through 5th grade.

Upcoming dates for next steps moving toward the campus launch

  • November 24: Siegel Campus Gathering (Blackman Campus)
  • January 12: Siegel Hill Soft* Launch
  • January 26: Siegel High Public Launch

*Soft launch is the Siegel High Campus’ first worship service for FBC members, but it is not yet open to the general public.


Through the process of hosting the “Reaching Rutherford Information Meetings” we were able to collect questions that our members discussed in their small groups. The questions reflected a mixed bag of emotions. There are some that display the enthusiasm many members are feeling about the future of Fellowship Bible Church as one church in two locations. Other questions demonstrate the grief that is felt among our members as dear friends and loved ones may start attending different campuses. These two contrasting emotions, enthusiasm and grief are healthy responses to this new strategy to reach Rutherford County. As we move forward as a church family, our heart is to support one another through the emotions that we are all feeling. Questions, concerns, excitement, and ideas are welcomed by our staff and elders.  Having said that, we ultimately endeavor to be led by the answer to one question ... what is God asking of us?

Q: Why launch a campus? 

Ministry has always been most effective when it is incarnational; personal presence in close proximity to those God has called us to love and serve. FBC has an incarnational presence in Blackman, where many of our members reside. However, we also have many members who live in the Seigel High area. Launching a second campus in that part of our community allows us to be incarnational there as well. One church in two locations helps us to leverage our shared vision, leadership, experience and resources (people, financial, facility) in a larger portion of Rutherford County than ever before. It also promotes continuity and collaboration in an age of autonomy, because we are better together. It strategically mobilizes a portion of our congregation in their immediate context with sustained support while effectively maintaining and extending our community of faith.

Q: Why did we choose Seigel High for our second campus?  

Prayerfully, as we looked at the changing demographics of our county through the rapid influx of people moving into the area, it made the most strategic sense to establish a second campus as our next step to reach as many as possible for Christ.  We used four primary criteria to select the location of the second campus ... population density, FBC member concentration, existing church presence, and distance from our current campus. While we looked at several areas within Rutherford County, Seigel High stuck out as the location that most clearly checked all the boxes. There is a significant population in north Murfreesboro with substantial growth plans in and around Seigel High. Yet, there is a relatively small church presence in the area. Outside of Blackman, it is the highest concentration area of FBC members, and it is in the “sweet spot” for an additional campus, 25-35 minutes from where we are now.  

Q: When will the Seigel High campus meet? 

We are planning for a public launch of the Seigel High campus on January 26, 2025.  We will utilize the auditorium for the worship service and classrooms for our children’s ministry. The worship service will begin at 10am on Sundays. We do not have a timeline for how long we will meet at the school. The opportunity to meet in Siegel is a blessing and an example of God’s provision throughout this process. This should not affect the time of worship services at the Blackman campus, which will continue at 9 and 11am.  

Q: What is the impact of two campuses on our need for volunteers? 

The opportunity to serve in any church is ever present. Regardless of how many campuses we have, the need for people to serve the church and the community will exist. Adding a second campus does increase the roles available for volunteers, but it does not double them. The increased roles provide increased opportunities for all of our members to engage in our mutual commitment of “faithful service.” To operate as a church and fulfill that which God has called us, takes everyone. We have the number of people needed to fill every volunteer opening at FBC, but not everyone has stepped into their place of service. What we are asking all to do, from members to staff to elders, is prayerfully consider how God wants each of us to use the gifts, experience, and passions he has given us in service of his kingdom through the local church.  

Q: Will there be live teaching at the Siegel High campus? 

The same values that FBC has embraced from its inception remain in place for both campuses. Blackman and Seigel High will have live teaching each Sunday, as well as Spirit led worship and a children’s ministry where our kids can grow in Christ. Our teaching team will work closely together so that each campus can expect biblically sound and personally relevant messages. This collaborative approach will also allow members from either campus to stay up on missed messages through the Blackman livestream. 

Q: What is the impact of two campuses on our staff and elders? 

Adding a second campus does have an impact on our staff and elders. This has been known and considered since the beginning of the process to add a campus. The responsibilities will increase, but they are not doubled. To help with this, some strategic part-time additions will be made to support children and youth ministries. Some responsibilities, such as many administrative tasks, are impacted by logistical changes, but the workload itself remains constant. Much of the impact is related to how staff and elders shepherd and equip the church for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-12). The church body is made up of many parts, all of which are necessary and equally valuable in pursuing the Great Commission and the building of the Jesus’ church. FBC has many shepherds, evangelists, teachers, and so on that are not staff or elders. A second campus provides opportunity for more lay leaders to step into their gifting under the authority of the elders. As each of us become engaged in the mission, the work of ministry flourishes.   

Q: How does adding a second campus impact the budget? 

Significant time and thought have been given to the budget and the church’s finances. We seek to be good stewards of all the resources the Lord has given us by living within our means. The plan developed for a second campus is within our means and does not tax our general fund. The capital giving campaign last year, and the extension of it this year allows us to move forward while maintaining a strong and healthy financial position. As a donation supported, non-profit church we are always moving forward in faith. We seek to make wise financial decisions bathed in prayer, with full knowledge that our complete dependency is on God and his provision.  We fully believe that God has led us down this path thus far, and therefore trust he will provide. 

Q: How will we publicize the launch of the new campus? 

We are not just launching the Seigel High campus. We are launching the Blackman campus as well. The intentionality that goes into reaching Rutherford must be shared by both our campuses. Our website, social media accounts, brochures, and other media will be updated to reflect one church in two locations. However, the most effective publicity is through trusted relationships. There is no need to delay, we invite everyone to start talking about our two campuses now with anyone in your sphere of influence. Studies show that people are likely to check out a church if they are personally invited. Studies also show that there is an increased openness to a new church that has come to the area. Not only that, but other multi-campus churches have reported that they have experienced an increased interest in the “sending” campus as the community takes notice of a growing church.