Change and Stolen Furniture
February 19, 2025 | Phil Herndon
Driving a truck was among the many jobs in my long, illustrious career. I'll leave the detailed imagery up to you, but I had considerably more hair, more weight, and a far more impressive collection of leather belts with big buckles and my name...
Don't Let Them Run Alone
February 12, 2025 | Melissa Riggs
Eleven years ago, I decided to take up running. I had never run other than in PE class in elementary school and a required fitness class in college, and I actually thought it sounded terrible. At the time, though, I had an elementary-aged child...
O Drummer, Where Art Thou?
February 6, 2025 | Kevin Perry
Many years ago, when Fellowship was a young, toddler-aged church full of hopes and dreams, we met in the cafeteria of Blackman Middle School. Aesthetically speaking, a school cafeteria has to be one of the most vibeless places on the...
January 30, 2025 | Chad Vinson
A couple of weeks ago, I was walking around a college campus with my wife and our youngest son. The weather was not in our favor as we toured the campus. The wind was blowing, and insanely frigid air cut through our clothes and straight to our...
The Launch
January 23, 2025 | Matt Angell
Forty-eight hours before the first worship service at our Siegel Campus it snowed. If we were in New York or Colorado this probably would not matter. But it does in Tennessee. In the grand scheme of things, postponing the launch is pretty minor...