Four Reasons to Share Our Story
September 11, 2024 | Melissa Riggs
In the Portrait of the Connected Life, we see that going backward with our story is part of living a connected life with Christ. We can sometimes think of this as simply sharing our full-blown testimony with a small group or another individual in...
September 3, 2024 | Chad Vinson
About a month ago, I was sitting in a meeting, and I received a text message from my oldest son, “Dad, I need your help, my jeep won’t start.” I need to pause right here and explain something to you about myself. I respect and...
Who's Your One?
August 27, 2024 | Connor Shoup
My Papason and Grandma live in Oklahoma, in a city where there are more cows than people. There isn't much to do at their house, but they do have a pond where we spend a lot of time fishing, swimming, and racing boats. Sometimes I would stand at...
What are you doing to my church?
August 22, 2024 | Monty Waldron
If that thought has ever crossed your mind, here or elsewhere, you are in good company. As long as churches have been in existence, surely members of the ekklesia have wondered (if only to themselves), “Where are we going?&rdquo...
A Change of Heart
August 14, 2024 | Matt Angell
This past Sunday, was Vision Sunday. If you have not watched or listened to the message, I strongly encourage you to stop reading this, and check it out first! (You can find the link below in the newsletter.) This year we will be...