Your Spouse Will Not Satisfy Your Deepest Needs

September 6, 2022 | Jeff Patton

Couples who expect their spouse to meet their deepest needs of significance and worth ain’t gonna make it. Their marriage may survive, but they will experience profound disappointment. Jenna and I learned this truth the hard way.

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Growing Together

August 31, 2022 | Carrie Henry

It was what I had dreamed of as a little girl. And at that point, seven years into marriage, having read all the baby and parenting books I could get my hands on, I felt overwhelmed by the newness.

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Circle Up

August 24, 2022 | Chad Vinson

Maybe you’re like me: when you think back over the course of your life, you realize you have spent significant time sitting in rows. Remember your early days of school? Assigned seats were always in rows.

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Longing to Belong: The Book of Ephesians

August 17, 2022 | Jeff Patton

Paul uses the phrase “In Christ” in Ephesians many times to drive home the truth that we do indeed belong—to Him! In Christ, we find belonging, for true belonging is being both known and loved by the only one who FULLY knows and FULLY loves us.

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Inspirational Influence

August 10, 2022 | Monty Waldron

I’m inspired by a vision of Church that involves ever-expanding gospel influence. I’m challenged by those earliest missionaries who embraced the Great Commission as their personal mission everywhere they went.

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